Whatever pathway lead you here to my little corner of the internet, I am truly grateful to our Heavenly Father that you have arrived!

Hi There!

My Story

The short version, for the past 17 years, through the strength of our Heavenly Father I have triumphed over drug and alcohol addictions, PTSD, adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Endometriosis, leaky gut, brain fog, depression, crippling anxiety, heavy metal toxicity, multiple mold exposures that exacerbated other symptoms and a tremendous amount of negative self talk.

These thoughts had warped my view and thinking of God’s love, grace and mercy towards me, because when you are chronically sick like I was, you don’t think straight.  Many of these things I have overcome naturally and holistically, while there are still a few things that I am working through currently. 

During this time of being in a declined state of health, I sought traditional medical care, but it left me with no real answers to why I was experiencing the symptoms that I was. So I became my own best healthcare advocate and researcher, which lead me to the path that I am on today.

My objective is to remain vulnerable and honest with you all. God is the One True Healer, and all the glory goes to him, I simply aid others in showing them the right path. I am an animal based NTP. I firmly believe ALL that our Heavenly Father created in its unadulterated form, is GOOD and for our health benefit. I hope to share the wisdom and knowledge that I have gained from personal experience and from what God has shown me to be true pillars of health in his word and world.

Becoming an NTP

I came across the NTA (Nutritional Therapy Alliance) when I was 27, and realized, this was how I was going to merge together my passion for helping others, health, education and my faith.

I honestly had to work through a lot of personal fear of feeling unworthy or inadequacy to help others. I had a lot of self doubt and felt like I was being fraudulent because I am still working through some on going health struggles.

I had this mindset that I needed to be “in perfect health” before I could help anyone else, which is the furthest from the truth! Restoration, vitality, balance and health are a journey not, a destination that just happens, they are ever evolving.

Even though I walked into the NTA timid and unsure of myself, I KNEW in my soul that this was the work that our Heavenly Father had been calling me to do all along!

Throughout my struggles and the course of my education and continued education, I have complete assurance that I am walking in my divine purpose and calling!

I am here to be a vessel for the Most High God, a vessel that helps facilitate and bring restoration to the body of the Messiah. I hope to look back on my life knowing that I made a positive impact in the lives of my brother’s and sister’s. That I didn’t let fear stop me from pursuing the work that the Lord has called me to do.

- Gabrielle


Featured On

Season 1: Episode 4 - Whole Biblical Wellness Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify

Season 3: Episode 24 - New Age Practices (to avoid) Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify

Season 3: Episode !2 - Fabrics, Oral Health, Birth Control, Hairloss and more! Listen on Apple